Today I am grateful for many things: birthdays, memories, being able to afford things I don't necessarily need....
I can finally release photos of Noel's birthday cake. Happy for that one. This cake literally has my sweat and tears in it. No blood...that's gross. I did get so frustrated at one point that I started crying. But, finished product, I think, looked better than it should've. I thank Paige for her help in this whole process. Her AC was a lifesaver.
Last night was a lot of fun, as well. There were a lot of Noel's friends there. We finally got seated around 9:30....and Noel had already drank 3 mojitos. As soon as he sat down, Simon had bought him shots. Of course, he's so friendly, so he bought me one, too. Thanks, Simon. The night just kind of went downhill (in a good way) from there. Kat came out too!!! So happy that Russell came to dinner. It was nice to have some Boozers, Cruses, and Dollars all together.
Tonight Noel and I went to Nicola's. Amazing foods. Lebanese and delicious. Nicola's also happens to be where Lindsay and Will had their rehearsal dinner. Nicola is a friend of Louisa (Will's mom) and he's amazing. He dances and laughs and smiles. Noel really enjoyed it too. Here is a video of Nicola:
And another of the bellydancing:
Their foods are delicious:
We went shopping with some of Noel's birthday money today and I realized how many times we both said "I want" and "I need." I had to stop and realize how grateful I was to be able to afford luxuries in life. I know that many cannot even buy things that they really need, let alone want. I am making it a new goal to stop saying "I want" and "I need" as much.
Zonolite street is where I have decided I want to move. It's just the most awesome name for a street ever. Thank you and, goodnight.

Last night was a lot of fun, as well. There were a lot of Noel's friends there. We finally got seated around 9:30....and Noel had already drank 3 mojitos. As soon as he sat down, Simon had bought him shots. Of course, he's so friendly, so he bought me one, too. Thanks, Simon. The night just kind of went downhill (in a good way) from there. Kat came out too!!! So happy that Russell came to dinner. It was nice to have some Boozers, Cruses, and Dollars all together.
Tonight Noel and I went to Nicola's. Amazing foods. Lebanese and delicious. Nicola's also happens to be where Lindsay and Will had their rehearsal dinner. Nicola is a friend of Louisa (Will's mom) and he's amazing. He dances and laughs and smiles. Noel really enjoyed it too. Here is a video of Nicola:
And another of the bellydancing:
Their foods are delicious:
Zonolite street is where I have decided I want to move. It's just the most awesome name for a street ever. Thank you and, goodnight.
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