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Black beans and strangers

Today I am grateful for two things.

One. Twice in the past two days I have seen strangers being kind to me. I got a call from a man who says he saw my name on our website at work and had to call and ask if I was 'the Claire boozer of the Snitzer family.' This man's parents are close friends of my grandparents. He not only knows my grandparents but also named my mom and dad. He lives here in athens and works with our office through referrals a lot. Small world!

Second stranger: Lindsay, Will and I got back to her car last night to what looked like a ticket. Turned it over to reveal a note from a stranger that said she used to go to Camp Sunshine and now is a counselor there. She saw the license plate on Lindsay's car and had to leave a note. The bartender said she freaked when she saw the plate and was so excited. We had just missed her. I searched her name on Facebook and found nothing. Still pretty amazing.

Second thing I am grateful for is that I won't have to work next weekend and instead work (currently working) today. I was not excited about eating yet another veggie sandwich from the cafeteria...but someone was looking out for me because today was black beans and rice day. I love that day.

Last bit of funness from Claire's life: A bird pooped on my head last night. Don't have a picture of that...sorry.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Boulevard Heights,Athens-Clarke County,United States


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