My journal was born.
Today, the day after my mother's birthday, I am grateful for everyone that I have in my life. I have seen loss, just as everyone else has, but I have so much more to be grateful for that the loss is somehow lessened. I watched last night, on the Fourth of July, a family gain a new member. They were all sitting in the waiting room together, happy.
Today, this is what I am grateful for. I have two amazing siblings and we are now all in the same state again, all living 1 hour away from each other at most. This has not been the case for quite some time now, and it has already begun to make my life better.
Aunt Karen, my mother's sister, texted me last night to remind me of her love for me. I am grateful for all of my extended family, especially the seemingly 16 mothers I have. Mama Liz, Cheryl, Lynn, Karen, Teri, Alberta...they have all gotten me to this day.
Love this. Love you.