Today I am grateful for the people who support me every day, every week, every year, and especially those who have been there for me for the last 11 years.
Of course, this isn't an all encompassing list of those who have been there for me...but merely a start.
I have had so many women in my life who stepped up to the plate when they didn't have to, but just because of the love they had for mom and my family and me and my siblings and my dad...
Lindsay, Lynn, Karen, Mama Liz, Grandmama Boozer, Cheryl,
Lou Ann, Teri, Kathryn, Kelly, Kathy...and more.
Lou Ann, Teri, Kathryn, Kelly, Kathy...and more.
At this point I consider myself to have at least 10

Sitting in the Whatever It Takes meeting I had many thoughts about a successful childhood and what it really takes. I am amazed at how lucky I am that, even though I lost my mother when I was so young, I have never struggled in life to get to where I am now. I credit all of the amazing people in my life for helping me get here and be the happy 24 year old I am today.
To all of you, friends, family, thank you.
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