It has been forever since I updated, I realize. I won't even say that I've been too busy to write. I just haven't made the time. But, I am back, for at least one night, to update and be grateful. Tonight, I am grateful for... Noel and I in Georgetown the first weekend he got here First and foremost Noel Cruse is back in my life. For the first time since 2007, we live in the same city again. I can't express to the people I know up here how incredible that is. Everyone back home understands because they had to deal with the side effects of me not having him around all of the time. Right now he is staying at me and Stef's apartment while he looks for his own apartment. Stef has been wonderful to let him crash here while he looks. What is crazy is that, when he finally got a job, he was hired by ValueOptions. When I was in 7th grade, my parents told us that we were moving to Alexandria, VA. Dad had a job that he was taking and he was flying back and forth fr...