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Showing posts from October, 2010

Mashed Turnips and Black Eyed Peas

This turned out so well!! I had to share my own made up (almost vegan) recipe: Equal parts Turnips and Black eyed peas 3 T flour 3 T butter Garlic to taste Salt, pepper and onion powder to taste 3 T nutritional yeast Boil the peas and turnips for approximately 20 min together in water. Drain. Add dry ingredients and mix. Add butter and mash. If too wet, add more flour or yeast. ENJOY! I'd post a photo of the finished product...but it tastes much better than it looks. Promise. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Buttons and Hooks

Today I am grateful to have a patient and forgiving boyfriend. I put him through hell and he stays with me, still. I love him dearly. Tonight in sewing class we learned buttons and hooks. I successfully buttoned and hooked fabric tonight: And, lastly, through teamwork, we began the dress!! I don't care how dorky it is...but I will spend the next hour or so sewing and watching Singin' in the Rain. Goodnight all. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Location: Normal Ave,Athens-Clarke County,United States

B. I. N. G. O.

Today I am grateful for running water. So I can wash my hands and brush my teeth. I don't know why that struck me while I was brushing this morning. But I am so lucky to be able to have good dental hygiene. I got to play bingo tonight. I was so excited! In the two years I've been volunteering at Iris Place, I've never played. Unfortunately I did not win a cent. Now I'm out 50 cents. Dangit. Now some insight to those who are interested. Bingo ladies: - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sweet coupley love

Today I am grateful for being forced to sit and observe the faces walking by the information desk at the hospital. I know it's been a while, but this sweet couple walked by and it made me whole day slow down and come into focus. I noticed her sitting down in one of the chairs, waiting quietly for something. I don't generally pay much attention to the visitors who are minding their own business and aren't clouding my waiting area with loud, boisterous music from their 'confounded' cell phones. But, of course, my eye turned to this older woman who had been patiently sitting for several minutes. An older gentleman finally walked in, whittled cane in hand. As they passed my desk, she quietly stated to him while grasping her painful, limping hip, "I should've parked the car and let you stay in here. You're in worst shape and I am." Neither of them said another word as they walked onto the elevators together. That is the stuff that we all need to slow do...