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Painting in memory of a special woman

Today, I am grateful for my mother. 12 years ago, July 11, 1999, my mother, Laura Jean Snitzer went to what many of us would call a better place. I am grateful for the 13 years that I had her in my life and the 12 years after that I have had continued support from family and friends.

I spent this (warm) day with Noel at the beginning, which is always comforting. I then went to dinner with Stephanie at Brett's Casual American. I absolutely have to recommend 1. their chips and salsa and 2. their tomato soup. It doesn't matter if it's 110 degrees outside...I lap that stuff up.

We then spent two fun hours doing one of my mother's favorite activities: Painting!

If no one has ever done Sips n Strokes or Pints and Paints, I recommend trying it! *Stephanie recommends more strongly Pints and Paints now having done both.

I realize that it's been a while since I posted. I can't say that there's been any reason for that. I'm just as busy as I was when I was working...I just have not made the time. I was recently told my a friend of mine that he enjoyed reading my's nice to hear I have fans. I will try to pick this back up as I move on to a huge change and very different chapter in my life. For those who don't know (a.k.a. those living under a rock, as I've talked about this incessantly for months now), I am moving to Washington, DC to begin a Master's in Public Health Program at The George Washington University. I will also be working with OWL (formally known as the Older Women's League).

I just got great news this week:
1. I was one of two students selected in the 2013 class to serve as Managing Editor for the Cases in Public Health Communication & Marketing Journal at GWU. There are only 6 of this position and 2 were offered to incoming first-year students. I am very excited about this opportunity!!

2. I was approved for my apartment. These are preliminary photos. You all know that more will come once I've spiced it up and added some character. If you're interested in pen-paling, I'll give you my address. Something about receiving a hand written mailed letter just makes me happy.

For now, I say goodnight. I wish could tell you a sweet saying mom used to tell me before bed...but I just don't remember one. I will end with one of my fondest memories, however:

I was in 6th grade (a year before she passed away) and was going to school at St. Martin's Episcopal. Mom had picked me and Russell up from SMES and we then went to Marist to pick Lindsay up. Lindsay had (and still has) permanent claim on the front seat. I'm not sure if other families fought as much as we did about this...but there were definite brawls over the front seat. Lindsay got in and mom handed her a grocery bag and said, "I got lollipops, pick one out," as she handed the bag to Lindsay. Lindsay put her hand in, looked in the bag, grabbed one and handed it to Russell while smiling at me. Russell then put his hand in, looked in the bag, grabbed one and made a horribly disgusted face. I was very confused as Russell handed me the bag for me to pick my flavor. I then looked into the bag to see a third lollipop, a razor and shaving cream. I had been granted the permission to shave. This was a glorious day in a young 6th grader's eyes. I smiled from ear to ear while Lindsay, Russell and Mom all burst out into laughter. Russell, a 4th grader at the time, had no desire to imagine his older sister shaving her legs, hence the disgusted face.

My excitement and joy were quickly shattered as mom quickly followed up, "Now, when you get home, change into your swim team bathing suit and I'll teach you how to shave."

I am grateful that my mother lives on in so many memories, material possessions, but most importantly people. Rest in peace, Laura Jean Snitzer Boozer.


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