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I've fallen in love with fall

Realizing that I had been taking all of these great photos of the fun things I have gotten to do lately, and that I haven't stopped in too long to discuss how grateful I am for my life, I decided to do a quick update.

Today, I am grateful for fall weather, seeing Noel's eyes light up when he watches glass blowing, and good friends who are always willing to be the "third wheel."

Yesterday, Noel, Jade and I went to the Renaissance Festival outside of Annapolis, MD. I have not seen Noel so excited to be in company of so many (strange) people! So, we nerded out and walked around, drinking beer out of our handmade mugs and eating (them) turkey legs and (me) fried bread. It was a healthy sort of day.

I think the best part of the day was watching Noel watch the glass blowing from the artisans at Art of Fire. Jade, being the awesome person she is, couldn't resist buying up BOTH of the pieces that we watched being made. Which brings me to Jade. I'm not sure I've talked about her before...but she frequently brings me much reason to be grateful about my life. She's basically always invited to anything Noel and I do, and she seems happy to tag along, which makes me happy in turn.

I am grateful that, even if I am extremely busy and every minute of my life is planned at the moment, I am still able to take a few hours here and there to do the things that make me happy, and hang out with those who make my life fun.

Next post (hopefully): the delicious soup that I have to make because this fall weather is AMAZING.

Me and Jade with our new pottery purchases (filled with beer of course)

On tap: Sam Adams Oktoberfest YUM

Yes, of course there was jousting.


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